How To Make Hair Look Thicker

Posted on May 23, 2019 in Fashion rules

How To Make Hair Look Thicker

How to thicken fine hair? This is one of the recurring issues when it comes to taking care of our wires. The thickness of hair depends on the increase of its capillary density, care, strength and external factors.

We can say in practical terms that a thick, full-bodied hair is synonymous with hair resistance and health. But, attention, this does not mean that it is immune to fall.

In this article you can discover the alternatives to thicken hair: natural, unnatural, food, home remedies or treatments, creams and the best recommendations to achieve good density and capillary thickness.

make hair look thicker

How to thicken hair fast?

In the stores there are plenty of alternatives to make hair appear thicker. But marketed products are not the only ways to treat wires. There are other quick action options that you can complement in your day to day life. Among them are:

  • Check your stress levels to increase hair density – As we know, stress is one of the causes of hair loss;
  • Massage the scalp with your fingertips – This increases blood circulation in the scalp;
  • Take a shower with cold water – This promotes the blood supply to the scalp, oxygenating it better and stimulating more nutrition;
  • Eat well – Yes, betting on a balanced diet helps to thicken hair, especially if it is loaded with iron and vitamin B. Some men and women have fine hair due to lack of nutrients;
  • Visit the hairdresser – Cutting hair on your dry, lifeless tips will revitalize you, giving a more lively and thickening effect.

Cut repeated creates movement on heavy hair

For those who prefer a smoother appearance at the root and with movement, the cut with graduations at the tips is ideal and perfect haircut for thin hair to look thicker. Because it is whole in the upper part of the hair, the strands gain weight and do not present prominent forms in this region, in contrast, the tips become frayed, which creates balance in the look, especially when combined with a shaped brush.

making your hair thicker

Side strap: big size for gross hair

If you have thick hair, you may have heard that fringes are not suitable for your hair type, but here, we like to say that nothing is impossible. The problem is that in the case of straight models, for example, thick hair can cause the fringe to stand up and not down, as expected. To prevent this from happening, simply invest in a shredded base and elongated length. This version, supermodern, can be used with the central division appearing or not and makes the whole look full of style.

Volume hair cut: know vertical style

The vertical cut is ideal for making your hair thicker and for those who want to distribute and disguise the excessive volume of thick hair. This is because the cut is done with the yarns up, not down, in a traditional way. When you use this technique the density of these wires is better distributed and the volume, which before could bother, becomes an additional charm.

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